JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows you to implement complex features on web pages every time a web page does more than just sit there and display static information for you to look at displaying timely content updates, interactive maps, animated 2D/3D graphics, scrolling video jukeboxes, etc.
- HTML:-
HTML is the markup language that we use to structure and give meaning to our web content, for example defining paragraphs, headings, and data tables, or embedding images and videos in the page.
- CSS:-
CSS is a language of style rules that we use to apply styling to our HTML content, for example setting background colors and fonts, and laying out our content in multiple columns.
JS is a scripting language that enables you to create dynamically updating content, control multimedia, animate images, and pretty much everything else.
📕JS Libraries:-
Libraries provide a lot of standard functionalities so that developers don’t have to worry about a lot of standard functions and can use libraries to easily create web pages using UI components, language utilities, math functions, and more. JavaScript is an integral part of any web application, and it is only necessary to have these libraries in hand as per your need to save development and testing time and have everything in one place.
For detailed content check the below given link:-
Top 20 Javascript Libraries You Should Know in 2021 (hackr.io)
📗JS Frameworks:-
A software framework is an abstraction in which software providing generic functionality can be selectively changed by additional user-written code. JavaScript framework is an application framework written in JavaScript where the programmers can manipulate the functions and use them for their convenience.
Frameworks are more adaptable for the designing of websites, and hence, most website developers prefer them. JavaScript frameworks are a type of tool that makes working with JavaScript easier and smoother. These frameworks also make it possible for the programmer to code the application as a device responsive. This responsiveness is yet another reason why the JavaScript frameworks are quite popular when it comes to the question of using a high-level machine language.
For detailed content check the below given link:-
📘Cisco Finesse Gadgets & Finesse JavaScript Library API:-
Finesse Gadgets are Open Social gadgets, which is an XML document that defines metadata for an Open Social Gadget Container. The gadgets are essentially mini web pages or applications that are placed within the Finesse desktop. This approach is particularly useful for contact center agents because this gives them access to all of the applications that they need to service calls inside of a single application, Cisco Finesse.
Finesse comes with a couple of out of the box gadgets such as the team performance gadget, but often times, customers have specific requirements that are not available on the Finesse desktop. To alleviate that problem, Cisco Finesse provides a Finesse JavaScript Library API to make it easy to build custom gadgets.
There are many sample gadgets available for developers to use as an example and base for their custom gadgets.
Third party gadgets can be hosted on either the Finesse server (via the 3rdpartygadget web application) or on an external web server. Gadgets can also make REST requests to services hosted on external servers using the Finesse JavaScript Library . To avoid browser cross-origin issues, it is recommended for the third-party server to be configured to allow CORS requests from the Finesse domain by configuring a CA signed certificate or a pre-imported X.509 certificate. This will allow the gadget to directly call a third-party REST API. It is the responsibility of third-party gadgets to implement their own authentication mechanisms for third-party REST services. Third party servers typically use the desktop agent credentials to authenticate the gadget requests by invoking Finesse User GET API requests to authenticate the credentials. Third party servers can also perform a custom database lookup to authenticate CCE agent credentials if they have the access to the AWDB database. Custom authentication mechanisms can also be used if necessary by configuring the gadgets with the required credentials.
📖JSON Path Expression
Cisco Unified Call Studio includes a new utility that allows you to use JSON Path expressions in JavaScript to return the values from the JSON(JavaScript Object Notation).
To use this utility, include the following syntax as part of the JavaScript when you define the local variables:
import Package( com.audium.server.cvpUtil );
JSONPathUtil.eval(String input JSON , String expression);
📖XPath Expression
Cisco Unified Call Studio includes a new utility that allows you to use XPath expressions in JavaScript to return the values from the XML.
To use this utility, include the following syntax as part of the JavaScript when you define the local variables:
import Package(com.audium.server.cvpUtil);
XpathUtil.eval(String inputXML , String expression);
📖Date Validation
Cisco Unified Call Studio includes a new utility that allows you to validate date in JavaScript on local variables.
To use this utility, include the following syntax as part of the JavaScript:
import Package(com.audium.server.cvpUtil);
DateTimeUtil.isValidDate(String dateToValidate, String dateFormat);
📖Time Validation
Cisco Unified Call Studio includes a new utility that allows you to validate time in JavaScript on local variables.
To use this utility, include the following syntax as part of the JavaScript:
import Package(com.audium.server.cvpUtil);
DateTimeUtil.isValidTime(String timeToValidate, String timeFormat);
📖Making The Web Pages Interactive
JavaScript is used to make the web pages interact with the user with various functionalities such as
- Form validation such as checking if an email format is correct or not
- Displaying a countdown clock
- Interactive maps
- Creating cool animations
- Different actions on the press of the button
- Use of dropdown menu
📖Making Server Side Applications
JavaScript is also used as a server-side language to build back-end development using node.js (a JavaScript runtime environment built on Google Chrome’s JavaScript V8 engine).
The Node.js provides an environment for JavaScript to run on servers.
Before JavaScript was only used for making the web pages interactive. However, the use of JavaScript node.js is accepted as a good option for back-end development as well.
Companies like LinkedIn, Netflix, Uber, Trello, PayPal, NASA, eBay, Medium use node.js to power their applications.
📖Creating Interactive Front-End Pages
One of the growing uses of JS nowadays is creating super interactive front-end applications. For this, the commonly used JavaScript frameworks are React, Vue and Angular.
These applications load the resources as soon as the website is loaded which results in fast and responsive user interaction with great user experience.
Some examples of single-page applications are Facebook, Google Maps, Gmail, Twitter, etc.
Various JavaScript frameworks such as Angular, React, MeteorJs, BackboneJs, EmberJs, PolymerJs, KnockoutJs, Aurelia could be used as the front-end technology to build interactive front end pages.
Two popular frameworks used for front-end application development are Angular and React.
📖Creating Mobile Applications
JavaScript is also used in making Android and iOS apps. React Native is a popular framework built on JavaScript for this purpose.
One thing that is particularly interesting about React Native is that we can create both Android and iOS apps from the same codebase. This helps in:
- faster development time
- easy to develop
- cost effective
Some of the popular applications developed in react native are Facebook Ads, Walmart, Bloomberg, Instagram, Gyroscope, AirBnB, Myntra, UberEats, Discord, Townske, and many more.
📖Game Development
JavaScript is also used for game development.
Various JavaScript libraries such as Three.js, TweenMax could be used to create browser games.
Other popular JS gaming engines and libraries are GDevelop, melonJS, ImpactJS, BabylonJS, PhaserJS, PixiJS, PlayCanvas, A-Frame.
Some libraries even allow you to export your games into other platforms such as Android, iOS, etc.
📒Why Learn JavaScript?
- JavaScript is both client-side and server-side programming language. In the client-side, the code is run and displayed by the browser. On the server-side, Node.js is used.
- JavaScript is a platform-independent language. Any browser supporting JavaScript can run the code irrespective of the operating system
- JavaScript uses the just-in-time compilation technique. Since the compilation is handled at run time, JavaScript is considered an interpreted language.
- JavaScript is a dynamically typed language. That is, a variable containing number may be reassigned to a string.